Synopsis of The Practical Side of Heaven - The "Outlawed" Logic/Logos Teachings of Jesus
My book,
The Practical Side of Heaven, can be considered a comprehensive
guide to understanding Gnostic Christianity. It can also be seen as an
introduction to an original way to better understand our relationship
with others and ourselves.
The Practical Side of Heaven, the "Outlawed" Logic/Logos Teachings of Jesus,
can be considered a wake up call not only for theologians and academics,
but also for those searching for better answers. The core concept of Jesus'
Gnostic teaching is universally true and therefore important to everyone--religious
or not. Ecclesiastics' famous quote "there is nothing new under the
sun" is not true. There is a better way. This new and better way
is Jesus' Gnostic/knowledge teaching explained in detail in this book.
The Practical Side of Heaven, the "Outlawed" Logic/Logos Teachings of Jesus
systematically explains not only the core premise of Jesus' teaching--that
we are not yet fully conscious because we are slaves of judgmental reasoning;
but it also explains that the way free ourselves and to become fully awake
human beings is to learn about nonjudgmental/spiritual reasoning. Nonjudgmental
reasoning empowers us to "do on earth as it is in heaven".
My book can
also be seen as a bridge across time. It introduces the reader to contemporary
psychological and philosophical concepts that corresponds to similar concepts
in Jesus' time. Being able to cross that bridge empowers us to clearly
see through the eyes of Jesus and other Gnostic Christians because, in
principle, the context or worldview you will have after reading my book
will be theirs.
The web site,, is a synopsis of my book, The Practical
Side of Heaven. This site contains many of the salient concepts in
the book, but not all. To fully understand all the concepts that were
important to Gnostic Christians, like Jesus, John and Paul, having the
uncut version of my book is essential. It contains everything my website
does, plus information that is essential for personal growth and study
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