Gnostic Christianity


Gnostic Christianity's Response to 9-11

Hate repaid with hate is twice the hate. Return hate with love is the Gnostic Christian response to 9-11. Nonviolence exemplifies this response. Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. applied the principle of nonviolence and changed the course of life for millions. Wars have killed billions. If we practiced what Jesus and Paul taught after WWI (the war to end all wars), WWII would not have happened. If we practiced what Jesus, Paul, Gandhi, and King taught after 911, terrorism would have been defeated by love.

Love "is the answer". Nonviolence is its weapon. Peace and abundance is love's reward.

In their own words, Jesus and Paul's response to 9-11 is:

Jesus in Matt 5:38-42 (JBV)
'You have learnt how it was said: Eye for eye and tooth for tooth. But I say this to you: offer the wicked man no resistance. On the contrary, if anyone hits you on the right cheek, offer him the other as well; if a man takes you to law and would have your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. And if anyone orders you to go one mile, go two miles with him. Give to anyone who asks, and if anyone wants to borrow, do not turn away.'

Paul in Rm 12:14-21(JBV)
Bless those who persecute you: never curse them, bless them. Rejoice with those who rejoice and be sad those in sorrow. Treat everyone with equal kindness; never be condescending but make real friends with the poor. Do not allow yourself to become self-satisfied. Never repay evil with evil but let everyone see that you are interested only in the highest ideals. Do all you can to live at peace with everyone. Never try to get revenge; leave that, my friends, to God's anger. As scripture says: Vengeance is mine-I will pay them back, the Lord promises. But there is more: If your enemy is hungry, you should give him food, and if he is thirsty, let him drink. Thus you heap red-hot coals on his head. Resist evil and conquer it with good.

Paul in Phil 2:1-6 (JBV)
If our life in Christ means anything to you, if love can persuade at all, or the Spirit that we have in common, or any tenderness and sympathy, then be united in your convictions and united in your love, with a common purpose and a common mind. That is the one thing which would make me completely happy. There must be no competition among you, no conceit; but everybody is to be self-effacing. Always consider the other person to be better than yourself, so that nobody thinks of his own interests first, but everybody thinks of other people's interests instead. In your minds you must be the same as Christ Jesus: His state was divine, yet he did not cling to his equality with God.



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