Elastic In The News
Partial Listing, Coverage Generated with DWA
Directed by Andy Hall, “Boxes” builds on the lively minimalism of “Instruments,” with transitional moments powered by the expansion and contraction of nested squares that look like Albers paintings on acidneon-lit and full of kinetic possibility...
Posted on Motionographer...
Elastic/a52 releases another colorful component of the Honda Accord Crosstour campaign for agency RPA...
Production Company: Elastic; Director: Andy Hall....
The art of fitting without fitting in...
...From the recent Honda Accord Crosstour “Instruments” and “Boxes” spots for ad agency RPA, to the Verizon “iDon’t,” “Surfer” and “Homing Device” Droid spots for mcgarrybowen, the adidas “It’s On Me For We” spots for 180/LA, the Lexus HS Pods spots for Team One, and more cool work for FUEL TV, Nike and others, sharing the company’s artistry over the past year has been an amazing adventure for yours truly...
Director Andy Hall and his team at Elastic and a52 to come up with this great spot for Honda called “Instruments.”...
There are not enough hours in the day for me to feature all the things I’m asked to do or wish to do. I do feature ads that appeal. Such is this darling for the Honda Accord Crosstour made by RPA advertising agency...
Project Name: Honda Crosstour “Boxes”; Running Time: :30; Release Date: 11.29.09...
Santa Monica-based full-service design studio Elastic, and to share their latest artistry. For the creatives at RPA, Elastic director Andy Hall and his colleagues just created the first of several graphically driven spots for the all-new Honda Accord Crosstour. This first spot is entitled "Instruments." What follows is a lot of words from RPA, my cliff notes; this animation looks really cool...
So now that Verizon, the US cell phone company, has finally taken the wraps off its Droid mobile phone, it’s time to show consumers just what it looks like and what it can do. That’s the goal behind a new TV spot from New York agency mcgarrybowen titled “Big D.” ...The spot was cut by Editor Adam Schwartz at Beast, New York, and uses a nice dose of VFX from a52.
Production Company:Elastic; Director:Patrick Murphy; Post: A52; Edit:Rock Paper Scissors; Editor:David Brodie...
Production Company:Elastic; Director:Patrick Murphy; Post: A52; Edit:Rock Paper Scissors; Editor:David Brodie...
Advertising Agency: RPA, Santa Monica, CA, USA; Creative Director: Pat Mendelson; Art Director: Chuck Blackwell; Copywriter: Seth Prandini; Chief Creative Officer: David Smith; Agency Executive Producer: Gary Paticoff; Production/Design Company: Elastic; Director: Andy Hall...
For the creatives at RPA, Elastic director Andy Hall and his colleagues just created the first of several graphically driven spots for the all-new Honda Accord Crosstour. This first spot is entitled "Instruments."....
Elastic was inspired by Birth of the Cool, “Instruments”, and this is the first spot in a campaign by RPA to launch the all new Honda Accord Crosstour. “Instruments” relies on atypical, pronounced polygonal animation and rhythmic music to showcase the all-new Honda Accord Crosstour, a modern alternative to the SUV/CUV category. Noteworthy music, a remix of “Fever,” helps the spot reveal how lifestyles and experiences, as well as the stuff needed to facilitate these pursuits, fit completely into the Crosstour...
Though larger polygons could imply retro technology , the lighting effects and movement in these spots are at a level of sophistication that could only be accomplished with today’s computer technology...
..."Instruments" relies on atypical, pronounced polygonal animation and rhythmic music to showcase the all-new Honda Accord Crosstour, a modern alternative to the SUV/CUV category...
...VFX/Finishing Company: a52...
"Instruments" relies on atypical, pronounced polygonal animation and rhythmic music to showcase the all-new Honda Accord Crosstour, a modern alternative to the SUV/CUV category.
...This was accomplished by Andy Hall, Elastic and their team going the opposite direction of where computer animation is headed these days: instead of using super small polygons, these spots use large, pronounced polygons to create vibrant, memorable graphics...
The new Honda Accord Crosstour commercial. "Instruments" relies on atypical, pronounced polygonal animation and rhythmic music to showcase the all-new Honda Accord Crosstour, a modern alternative to the SUV/CUV category. Noteworthy music, a remix of "Fever," helps the spot reveal how lifestyles and experiences, as well as the stuff needed to facilitate these pursuits, fit completely into the Crosstour...
Honda get a stylish animation of their very own courtesy of Elastic director Andy Hall. He's not elastic. The company is. That would just be weird.
The first spot from the Honda Accord Crosstour campaign, "Instruments," relies on atypical, pronounced polygonal animation and rhythmic music to showcase the all-new Honda Accord Crosstour, a modern alternative to the SUV/CUV category. Noteworthy music, a remix of "Fever," helps the spot reveal how lifestyles and experiences, as well as the stuff needed to facilitate these pursuits, fit completely into the all-new Accord Crosstour...
Santa Monica-based Elastic brought this jazzy spot for Honda to life, helping promote their new Accord Crosstour. Neighboring studio a52 was aboard the project, titled Instruments, adding VFX and Max Ulichney served as the CG lead...
Nicely stylized spot by Elastic / A52.
Santa Monica-based studio Elastic has completed a moody spot for Honda, titled Instruments, in which a fully animated, sharp-edged jazz band takes to the stage....
Honda Crosstour: Instruments The first spot from the Honda Accord Crosstour campaign, "Instruments," relies on atypical, pronounced polygonal animation and rhythmic music to showcase the all-new Honda Accord Crosstour...
Design and VFX team Elastic/A52 rock out for Honda Accord in this highly colorful CG jazz spot, as they show off how much hidden space the new Accord Crosstour really offers....
Santa Monica based design studio Elastic’s, latest artistry; director Andy Hall and his colleagues just created the first of several spots for the all-new Honda Accord Crosstour...
The first spot from the Honda Accord Crosstour campaign, “Instruments,” relies on atypical, pronounced polygonal animation and rhythmic music to showcase the all-new Honda Accord Crosstour, a modern alternative to the SUV/CUV category...
Production/Design Company: Elastic; Director: Andy Hall; DP: Toby Irwin; Live Action Producer: David Wolfson; Executive Producer: Jennifer Sofio Hall...
Animação estilizada em lowpoly produzida pela Elastic. Vale a pena conferir.
Posted on Motionographer...
Cred: Production:Elastic a52; Directed by Andy Hall...
Fantástico o novo spot criado pela RPA para promover o novo Honda Accord Crosstour.
...We like its laid back minimalism which makes the point the car has a lot of room to carry whatever you need it to carry without getting all over wordy about cubic feet and crap like that. To create the animation in the commercial, RPA worked with Santa Monica-based design studio Elastic.
Honda Accord Crosstour “Instruments”; www.elastic.tv.
A very busy Santa Monica-based full-service design studio Elastic, and to share their latest artistry...
Design Studio: Elastic; VFX Studio: a52...
Hot on the heels of iDon't comes surfer...
Verizon Droid does a lot of things including a 100 million dollar media push masterminded by McGarry Bowen. For the product spots Elastic continued evolving the look they designed for the Droid Teaser which has over 1.5 million hits on YouTube....
Design Company: Elastic; Executive Producer: Jennifer Sofio Hall; Visual Effects Company: a52; Sound Design: Elastic & Sound Lounge...
Nice work for Adidas by Elastic...
We like that new technology is bringing the rest of the world up to European advertising standards, which go with the “If it’s pretty it doesn’t need to make sense” principle. Increasingly, commercials for products big and small, from every corner of the planet, are doing simple concepts with slick visual style, like Adidas “It’s On Me for We” by Patrick Murphy and studio Elastic...
Client: Adidas; Production Company: Elastic....
Agency: 180 Los Angeles; Advertiser: adidas; Brand Name: adidas; Production company: Elastic; Director: Patrick Murphy; Editing Company: Rock Paper Scissors...
A new adidas brotherhood campaign from 180, L.A....
It's on them.
Ready for the NBA season… Superstars converge as Adidas ramps up for another year of hoops....
Une superbe publicité pour l’équipementier Adidas Basketball qui lance la saison 2010 de NBA, avec les joueurs Dwight Howard, Derrick Rose, Kevin Garnett ou encore Josh Smith. Le spot a été dirigé par Patrick Murphy sur une production du studio Elastic. A découvrir dans la suite...
The very busy Santa Monica-based full-service design studio Elastic (www.elastic.tv) popped by to hand us a copy of the now famous "iDon't" Droid is not-iPhone ad...
adidas Basketball is launching a new global campaign for the 2009-10 NBA season titled "It's On Me for My Brotherhood." The campaign concept and films, created by 180 Los Angeles, launches October 15 and celebrates the individuals of a Brotherhood and the contributions they make. It's On Me for My Brotherhood shines the spotlight on two rising NBA stars, Dwight Howard and Derrick Rose, and how adidas Basketball footwear and apparel improves their performance therefore strengthening their Brotherhood...
NBA kicks off its 64th season in two weeks' time and adidas is extending the long-running Brotherhood project with a new phase titled "It’s on me for my brotherhood"...
Dir. Patrick Murphy & Elastic remind us that the NBA season is just around the corner with this new spot for Adidas...
Posted on Motionographer...
adidas Basketball launches this film via 180 Los Angeles as part of its new global campaign for the 2009-10 NBA season titled It’s On Me for My Brotherhood...
All for one and one for all...
Adidas has launched a new advertising campaign “It’s on me for my Brotherhood” with a video “It’s on me for we” which you can watch below. The campaing is featuring rising NBA stars, Dwight Howard and Derrick Rose, to celebrate the individuals of a Brotherhood and the contributions they make to their team...
Director: Patrick Murphy; Producer: Jennifer Sofio Hall; Director of Photography: Jeff Cronenweth; Post Production: A52; Editor: Jon Hopp...
Smooth new Adidas b-ball spot directed by Patrick Murphy through Elastic with VFX by a52 deserves more than one viewing the edit and compositing synthesize into a surgical b-ball dance. Makes watching dunks...
Its on Me for my Brotherhood is the newest Adidas commercial, featuring Dwight Howard of Orlando and Galen Rose of the Chicago Bulls. The NBA stars ask us to step up with them and run for your Brotherhood thanks to Adidas of course...
Production company: Elastic; Director: Patrick Murphy; Editor: Jon Hopp...
For Team One Advertising, design and animation boutique Elastic just created a set of slick fifteen-second web-only ads using innovative visual approaches to convey some of the many futuristic features of the Lexus HS Hybrid. Each of the spots features custom music from Robot Repair. The spots tout such innovations as the use of radar and infrared technology in the vehicles, and mirror the approach currently seen in the US broadcast campaign for the model. For the agency, credits go to Chris Graves, Jon Pearce, Chris Toland, Madhu Kalyanaraman, Vince Murray, Jennifer Weinberg and Jonathan Wright. For Robot, credits go to Douglas Darnell and Kael Alden.
PA criação é da 180 LA, com parceria digital da RIOT. A produção dos vídeos ficou por conta da Elastic, com direção de Patrick Murphy....
At Santa Monica's VFX house a52 (www.a52.com), lead compositor and Flame artist Andy McKenna has been "looking for the opportunity to use still cameras in post." ...With a limited budget, a three-week turnaround and great comic concepts costume-gloved hands escaping from prison, riding a motorcycle, and engaging in Braveheart-style combat McKenna, who also directs via Elastic, decided that the spots offered a "perfect opportunity" to try out the Mark II, a full-frame, 21-megapixel DSLR, which shoots full high definition video...
Elastic vient de créer 3 films destinés au web en utilisant des approches visuels innovantes pour mettre les nombreuses caractéristiques de la Lexus HS Hybrid . Quand à la musique, elle a été confié à l'agence Robot Repair...
Hello Someday? Someday is today with the new Lexus HS that has infrared, radar, satellite, and sonar technology which makes it smarter than your car. These spots are part of an integrated campaign launching the new HS 9/9/09. For the creatives at Team One Advertising, Elastic just created a set of :15 web-only ads using innovative visual approaches to convey some of the many futuristic features of the Lexus HS Hybrid. Each of the spots features custom music from Robot Repair....
Elastic have just created a set of :15 web-only ads using innovative visual approaches to convey some of the many futuristic features of the Lexus HS Hybrid. Each of the spots features custom music from Robot Repair...
Elastic have just created a set of :15 web-only ads using innovative visual approaches to convey some of the many futuristic features of the Lexus HS Hybrid. Each of the spots features custom music from Robot Repair....
Lexus is promoting the technology in the luxury hybrid car, the 2010 Lexus HS 250h, with a series of four online 15 second commercials using the tag line “Hello Someday”. Someday is today with the new Lexus HS that uses infrared, radar....
Elastic just created a set of 15-second, web only ads using innovative visual approaches to convey some of the many futuristic features of the Lexus HS Hybrid...
Elastic just created a set of :15 web-only ads using innovative visual approaches to convey some of the many futuristic features of the Lexus HS Hybrid. Read more...
Elastic keeps coming strong with these 3 webfilms for Lexus via Team One...
Lexus HS Hybrid: Sonar. ... Project Name: Lexus HS Pods "Infrared," "Sonar" and "Radar" Length: 3 x :15. Debut Date: Sept. 9, 2009. Ad Agency: Team One Advertising City/State: El Segundo, CA Chief Creative Officer: Chris Graves ... Design, Animation & Finishing: Elastic City/State: Santa Monica, CA...
Clearly inspired by our most recent surfing excursion.
...Elastic just created a new spot for FUEL TV...
...Elastic vient de créer un nouveau habillage pour la chaîne Fuel Tv qui diffuse sur son réseau 24h/24h du sport d'action...
See Elastic's work first hand...
TEsta compañía norteamericana, afincada en Santa Monica, pese a su corta vida ya que fue fundada en 2008, cuenta con producciones espectaculares para clientes como Honda, Nike y promos para canales de televisión
The latest on-air ID from Santa Monica-based full-service design company Elastic created for FUEL TV (www.fuel.tv), the 24/7 action sports lifestyle network for skateboarding, snowboarding, surfing, BMX, freestyle motocross...
Motion design studio Elastic have been busy over the past few months. They've been developing a broad range of projects for clients like Fuel TV, Nike, AT&T, Toyota. Be sure to check an old time classic: Carnivale's Show Open...
...There is quite a great choice of ways to deal with giant sea snakes: in fact there are more ways than the monster themselves. Here is one way, and quite possibly the coolest...
Comercial criado para divulgar o canal de TV FUEL, filiada da rede FOX de televisão presente em vários países. O canal possui especialidade em esportes de ... Uniram todo o conceito com uma sequência de ação em animação. Destaque para a trilha sonora da banda The Murder City Devils com a música Hey Sailor. A criação e produção são da Elastic USA...
Client: Fuel TV; Production Company: Elastic; With vintage comic book styled animation, Elastic tames Fuel's beast in this action-packed spot.
Fuel TV: Tame the beast; Advertising Agency: Elastic, USA; SVP and GM: CJ Olivares; VP Marketing & On-Air Promotions: Jake Munsey; Creative Director: Todd Dever; Director of On-Air Promotions: Michael Cooley; Production Company/Director: Elastic...
The latest on-air assignment from FUEL TV for Santa Monica-based full-service design company Elastic...
Elastic comes through with some fun animation for Fuel TV, “Tame the Beast”. Posted on Motionographer...
Santa Monica-based full-service design company Elastic (www.elastic.tv) to share another cool new project. This is the team's next assignment for FUEL TV (www.fuel.tv), the 24/7 action sports lifestyle network for skateboarding, snowboarding, surfing, BMX, freestyle motocross, and wakeboarding, which just hit the airwaves.
...Production Company/Director: Elastic Design, Animation, Finishing: Elastic...
A promo Id for Fuel TV by Elastic....
Elastic comes through with some fun animation for Fuel TV, “Tame the Beast”.
SVP and GM: CJ Olivares; VP Marketing & On-Air Promotions: Jake Munsey; Creative Director: Todd Dever; Director of On-Air Promotions: Michael Cooley; Production Company/Director: Elastic; Design, Animation, Finishing: Elastic; Music: “Hey Sailor” by The Murder City Devils...
Elastic have helmed a channel ident for Fuel TV. Check it.
Elastic comes through with some fun animation for Fuel TV, “Tame the Beast”. Posted on Motionographer...
Cliente: Fuel TV; Agencia: Elastic; País: Estados Unidos...
The latest from Santa Monica-based full-service design company Elastic (http://www.elastic.tv) for FUEL TV (http://www.fuel.tv), the 24/7 action sports lifestyle network for skateboarding, snowboarding, surfing, BMX, freestyle motocross...
Elastic adds dragon slaying to the principles of surf culture in this new ident for Fuel TV...
Title: FUEL TV "Tame the Beast" :30 Client: FUEL TV City/State: Los Angeles, CA SVP and GM: CJ Olivares VP Marketing & On-Air Promotions: Jake Munsey Creative Director: Todd Dever Director of On-Air Promotions: Michael Cooley Production Company/Director: Elastic...
Fuel TV, USA, Elastic, Publications & media. Client: Fuel TV, Los Angeles Creative Director: Todd Dever Production Company/Director: Elastic, Santa Monica Design, Animation, Finishing: Elastic...
Fuel TV: Tame the Beast. TV-Spots Elastic.
Elastic produced and directed this new on-air ID for FUEL TV (www.fuel.tv), the 24/7 action sports lifestyle network for skateboarding, snowboarding, surfing, BMX, freestyle motocross, and wakeboarding. Credits: Client: FUEL TV...
Title: FUEL TV "Fight or Flight" :30 Client: FUEL TV City/State: Los Angeles, CA SVP and Assistant GM: CJ Olivares VP Marketing & On-Air Promotions: Jake Munsey Creative Director: Todd Dever Director of On-Air Promotions: Michael Cooley...
Here’s a nice spot for FUEL TV, a 24/7 action sports lifestyle network, entitled “Fight or Flight“. It’s the latest work from Santa Monica-based full-service design company Elastic...
This ident has it all, including flying eyeballs made out of flying eyeballs! Credits: Production Company/Director: Elastic City/State: Santa Monica, CA Design, Animation, Finishing: Elastic Music and Sound Design: Echo Park....
Station IDs and promotional videos don't get much mention around here. Mostly because they, technically, aren't ads. But their job is quite similar to an ad: to get people to watch a particular show. So here's one called Fight or Flight for Fuel TV created by Santa Monica-based Elastic. It's just the slap-you-in-the-face wake up call we all need on a Monday morning.
This latest work from Santa Monica-based full-service design company Elastic (www.elastic.tv). Entitled "Fight or Flight," it's an on-air ID for FUEL TV (www.fuel.tv), the 24/7 action sports lifestyle network for skateboarding, snowboarding, surfing, BMX, freestyle motocross, and wakeboarding. The new spot just hit the airwaves this week.
Production Company/Director: Elastic City/State: Santa Monica, CA Design, Animation, Finishing: Elastic. Music and Sound Design: Echo Park Music & Sound City/State: Bicoastal, USA.
A frenetic little ID interlude from Santa Monica's Elastic for the fine people at FUEL TV. Music and sound design: Echo Park Music & Sound.
The eye versus the heart. Who is going to win? And why are they fighting? Or flying for that matter... A nice ID designed, animated and finished at Elastic TV and produced for Fuel TV. Music and sound design the work of Tim Boland and Sam Retzer at Echo Park.
Elastic, the design studio based in Santa Monica, created this new ident for Fuel TV. Fight or Flight pits BMX versus Skate in an epic battle of the skies.
Elastic for Fuel "Fight or Flight."
Elastic for Fuel “Fight or Flight” posted on Motionographer.
Pretty spot....
The fully computer-animated opening artfully presents a take-off of the strangely similar aesthetic of studio titles like Hollywood with a dramatic twist that welcomed viewers to Newport Beach Film Festival and their 10th annual celebration of film with wit and charm.
10th Annual Newport Beach Film Festival "Tenth of a Century"
Andy Hall, 3D and visual effects supervisor at VFX boutique a52, has directed a humorous animated opening for the 2009 Newport Beach Film Festival. Working through Elastic, and in collaboration with advertising agency RPA's Creative Director Scott McDonald and SVP/Executive Producer Gary Paticoff, Hall directed the festival's official :30 opening, which introduced all the films screened at the eight day event , which took place last month. The content artfully presents a parody of Hollywood studio ID sequencesthose little animated or live action segments that appear just before a picture’s titles start to roll. Viewers can see touches of Disney, Tri-Star, Dreamworks and other studio brands in the opening, which ends with a shot that owes more than a little to Twentieth Century Fox. “Being as this is the festival's 10th anniversary, the initial idea was a celebration of fanfare to the studios," Hall explained. "With that in mind, I wanted to create a narrative that took us on a journey connecting all these pieces. After much thought, it felt right to give the work a sense of style that tipped its hat to those opening fanfares - but in a whimsical way.” The end-frame of Hall's open, showing an iconic 3D sand sculpture forming the words, "10th of a Century: Newport Beach Film Festival," is the image featured on the festival's poster, program and within its print advertising. The finished piece was color-graded for film and HD/SD broadcast presentation by a52's Patrick Murphy using Autodesk Flame, and is driven by an original orchestral score from Robot Repair. Elastic's credits include Executive Producer Alex Gorodetzki; a52 credits include Executive Producer Linda Carlson, Producer Jenny Bright, CG supervisors Kirk Shintani and Max Ulichney, and 3D artists Adam Newman, Paulo de Almada Mauro and Christopher Janney. The spot's final mix is courtesy of Santa Monica's Framework Sound.
By virtue of their attendance at the recent 2009 Newport Beach Film Festival, tens of thousands of Southern Californians - including industry professionals and film fans alike - had numerous opportunities to witness the amazing talents of director Andy Hall first-hand. Since 2005, Andy has been with LA-based VFX boutique a52 (www.a52.com), filling roles on high-profile projects as director, 3D supervisor and/or VFX supervisor, and collaborating with many top industry talents - including a52's own VFX supervisor Patrick Murphy - on a growing list of amazing projects. For the 2009 Newport Beach Film Festival, Andy worked through full-service design company Elastic (www.elastic.tv), and in tandem with advertising agency RPA creatives Scott McDonald, David Smith and Gary Paticoff, to craft the festival's official :30 opening, which introduced all fare screened at the 8-day event....
By virtue of their attendance at the recent 2009 Newport Beach Film Festival, tens of thousands of Southern Californians - including industry professionals and film fans alike - had numerous opportunities to witness the amazing talents of director Andy Hall first-hand. Since 2005, Andy has been with LA-based VFX boutique a52 (www.a52.com), filling roles on high-profile projects as director, 3D supervisor and/or VFX supervisor, and collaborating with many top industry talents - including a52's own VFX supervisor Patrick Murphy - on a growing list of amazing projects. For the 2009 Newport Beach Film Festival, Andy worked through full-service design company Elastic (www.elastic.tv), and in tandem with advertising agency RPA creatives Scott McDonald, David Smith and Gary Paticoff, to craft the festival's official :30 opening, which introduced all fare screened at the 8-day event....
From 20th Century Fox's monolithic lettering to the DreamWorks' crescent moon boy, major Hollywood studio logos are often more memorable than the films they're attached to. To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Newport Beach Film Festival in southern California, director Andy Hall of a52 and Elastic, Santa Monica worked with Santa Monica-based agency RPA to pay homage to the fanfare with which big movie studios announce their presence at the beginning of every film....
Full-service design company Elastic detailed the work of Andy Hall, 3D and visual effects supervisor at VFX boutique a52, for the 2009 Newport Beach Film Festival....
Full-service design company Elastic (www.elastic.tv) is very proud to detail the work of Andy Hall, 3D and visual effects supervisor at VFX boutique a52 (www.a52.com), for the 2009 Newport Beach Film Festival. Working through Elastic and in collaboration with advertising agency RPA's creative director Scott McDonald and SVP/executive producer Gary Paticoff, Hall directed the festival's official :30 opening, which introduced all fare screened at the 8-day event that kicked off last week....
...3D and visual effects supervisor at VFX boutique a52 has directed the titles for the 2009 Newport Beach Film Festival through design company Elastic....
Full-service design company Elastic has recently worked with 3D and visual effects supervisor Andy Hall of VFX boutique a52, on an artistic animated short for the 2009 Newport Beach Film Festival. Working through Elastic and in collaboration with advertising agency RPA, Hall directed the festival' s official :30 opening short....
..."Andy Hall is a mix of pure enthusiasm and sheer talent," began Scott McDonald, creative director at RPA. "Our client understood and supported what we were trying to do and believed in the artistry of the project. Elastic, Andy and a52 contributed such a sharp point of view - the very first ingredient was world class - we just kept throwing gasoline on that fire. I got to see this piece play on the biggest movie screen this side of the Mississippi and, let me tell you, it dropped some jaws."...
..."I was heavily influenced by the work of Terry Gilliam, particularly 'The Adventures of Baron Munchausen' because of its theatrical nature," Hall added. "By giving it a lot of texture and layering the lighting, I was able to capture a stage-like quality, and the whole film became very much a labor of love. I wanted there to be layers of detail, so that every time it's watched, viewers might see something new."...
RPA, a52 and Elastic put together this wee whimsical piece to kick off the 10th Annual Newport Beach Film Festival. It's pretty to look at....
...The finished content was flawlessly color-graded for film and HD/SD broadcast presentation by a52's Patrick Murphy using Autodesk Flame, and is driven by an original orchestral score from Robot Repair. Elastic's credits include executive producer Alex Gorodetzki, and for a52, executive producer Linda Carlson, producer Jenny Bright, CG supervisors Kirk Shintani and Max Ulichney, and 3D artists Adam Newman, Paulo de Almada and Christopher Janney. The spot's final mix is courtesy of Santa Monica's Framework Sound....
The fully computer-animated opening was designed by Hall to look and feel like one of the epic stop-motion masterpieces of Terry Gilliam or Tim Burton. The content artfully presents a take-off of the strangely similar aesthetic of studio titles like Hollywood with a dramatic twist - that welcomes viewers to Newport Beach and their 10th annual celebration of film with wit and charm....
This very original promo integrates stylized titles sequences from all the major and indie movie studios. As a kid that grew up getting excited about the title sequences as well as the feature film ahead, this hit me with a fresh breath of nostalgia. Enjoy....
Newport Beach Film Festival just wrapped up the 2009 event out in Orange County, California. The opening title sequence this year' s festival, which marries many of the popular major studio title sequences, was directed by Andy Hall from Elastic and animated at a52 by 3D artists Adam Newman, Paulo de Almada and Christopher Janney. The agency on the project was RPA. The sequence is titled Tenth of a Century, as it' s the 10th year of the festival....
An animated trailer for Newport Beach Film Festival that took us on a journey involving major (and minor) studios logos....
Andy Hall directs....
A nice clip with "strangely similar aesthetic of studio titles like Hollywood with a dramatic twist that welcomes viewers to Newport Beach and their 10th annual celebration of film with wit and charm."...
The fully computer-animated opening was designed by Hall to look and feel like one of the epic stop-motion masterpieces of Terry Gilliam or Tim Burton. The content artfully presents a take-off of the strangely similar aesthetic of studio titles - like Hollywood with a dramatic twist - that welcomes viewers to Newport Beach and their 10th annual celebration of film with wit and charm....
a52 and Elastic director Andy Hall has animated a snazzy YouTube for the Newport Beach Film Festival and RPA which screened at last week's event. How many logos can you spot?
The opening titles of major movie studios get a playful ribbing in Elastic and a52's opening for the Newport Beach Film Festival.
An animated intro tribute to ... intros.
Elastic/A52 presents the opening titles for the 10th Annual Newport Beach Film Festival. If not for its wonderful design and execution alone, this referential journey should have a special place for those of you who grew up geeking out on animated logo sequences, even before the titles. As an homage, Elastic cleverly deconstructs some of the most classic, animated studio preludes and flips them on their heads. This thing is firing on ALL cylinders.
Filming was shot by director Trevor Shepard via Elastic, Santa Monica, with executive producer Alex Gorodetzki. VFX and post production were produced at a52, Santa Monica, by 3D/VFX supervisor Andrew Hall, 3D/VFX lead artists Max....
SHOOT Magazine, Feb. 12. 2009: INTERDUBS Facilitates Client-Approvals on More Than Half of This Year's Super Bowl Spots
Santa Monica-based Elastic (www.elastic.tv) is among the many INTERDUBS client companies using INTERDUBS for their external website....
Universal Positive, Oct. 14. 2008: Oct. 15 Blog Action Day Post on Poverty...
Each year, I research a new group of charitable organizations to send gifts to on behalf of my clients at the companies a52, Elastic, Rock Paper Scissors....
Boards, Sep. 2008: ANIMATION & VISUAL EFFECTS: Fine lines: a52 spins a winner for Nike
For anyone who's seen the footage of drugged spiders haplessly weaving webs, a52 director Andy Hall's "Spider" for Nike - in which time-lapse footage shows a spider spinning a web in the shape of a sneaker - might seem the result of a fortuitous Ritalin-induced high. "There's a whole series of spots that we've created for Nike's Flywire technology, reflecting different elements of what this new technology represents," explains Hall of the Wieden+Kennedy, Tokyo spot. "In the case of 'Spider', [it was about] emphasizing something that was incredibly light but incredibly strong."...
Boards, Sep. 2008: Inventory & hookups
Los Angeles-based editorial company Rock Paper Scissors and VFX company a52 launched design company Elastic and hired Alex Gorodetzki as EP and Trevor Shepard as creative director of design.
Motionographer.com, Sep. 16, 2008: A52 & Elastic Strike Again for Nike Lab
a52 and Elastic follow up their Spider piece for Nike Lab (W+K Tokyo) with this throwback to Neill Blomkamp's Evolution piece.
FWATheater.com, Sep. 15, 2008: Video of the Day: Nike - Peel
Produced through the creative team at Wieden+Kennedy Tokyo and their clients at Nike for Nikelab.com, this latest campaign spot was directed by Elastic's creative director of design, Trevor Shepard, and also features the 3D and VFX artistry of a52.
Adland, Sep. 13, 2008: Nike - "Peel" - (2008) :20 (Japan)
A new spot for W+K Tokyo's ongoing Nike campaign -- this one was directed by Elastic's creative director of design, Trevor Shepard. Here we watch a new Nike be born from and old Nike, and it's created entirely in CGI. Agency: Wieden+Kennedy Tokyo.
Boards Online, Sep. 12, 2008: Nike: Nikelab - Peel
Shoes shed too.
Animation World Network, Aug. 28, 2008: Hot Spots Showcase 6: The Best in Animated & VFX Commercials, Page 5
...As reported by AWN and VFXWorld, the principals behind Los Angeles-based editorial company Rock Paper Scissors (RPS) and visual effects company a52 recently announced the launch of Elastic as a new, full-service design-driven digital production studio. As the first spot from this new venture, Spider represents a perfect example of visual content requiring the type of hybrid production approach Elastic was created to address....
StudioDaily.com, Aug. 18, 2008: Top Spot of the Week: Nike "Spider"
Nike "Spider"; Agency - Wieden + Kennedy Tokyo; Production Company - Elastic; Director - Andrew Hall; VFX/Post - a52...
aboutCREATION.nl, Aug. 17, 2008: Rock Paper Scissors and a52 Launch Elastic
The principals behind Los Angeles-based editorial company Rock Paper Scissors (RPS) and visual effects company a52 announced the launch of a new, full-service, design-driven company named Elastic.
Blip.tv, Aug. 17, 2008: Nike Spider
Alex Gorodetzki Launches Elastic as Executive Producer with Trevor Shepard as Creative Director of Design....
Dexigner.com, Aug. 15, 2008: Rock Paper Scissors and a52 launch Elastic
...Elastic already has assignments underway for Nike and many other prominent international brands. The first Elastic spot is Andrew Hall's Nike "Spider," produced through Wieden+Kennedy Tokyo and their clients at Nikelab and offering a perfect example of visual content requiring the type of hybrid production approach Elastic was created to address....
SHOOT Magazine, Aug. 15, 2008: Rock Paper Scissors, a52 Launch Elastic
The principals behind Santa Monica-based editorial company Rock Paper Scissors (RPS) and visual effects company a52 have launched Elastic, a full-service, design-driven house. RPS and a52 co-founders Angus Wall and Linda Carlson have hired Alex Gorodetzki as Elastic's executive producer and Trevor Shepard as its creative director of design....
Motionographer.com, Aug. 14, 2008: Santa Monica Welcomes Elastic
Santa Monica welcomes Elastic, a design-driven VFX house and part of the a52/Rock Paper Scissors Family. Their first official project was this piece for Nike, which we recently profiled.
Creativity-Online.com, Aug. 13, 2008: People news from JWT, TBWA and more
Rock Paper Scissors/a52 co-founders Angus Wall and Linda Carlson announced the launch of their full-service design firm Elastic, which will be led by newly hired EP Alex Gorodetzki and creative director of design Trevor Shepard.
Digital Arts Magazine, Aug. 13, 2008: Nike 'Spider' spot is Elastic's first project
LA-based editorial company Rock Paper Scissors and visual-effects company a52 have teamed up to launch a new full-service design studio, Elastic, which has just gone public with its first project, the Nike 'Spider' spot....
Shots, Aug. 13, 2008: NEWS IN BRIEF
LA editorial company Rock Paper Scissors and visual effects company a52, have launched a brand new design-driven company called Elastic. Nikelab spot Spider by a52's Andy Hall represents the first piece of work to emerge from Elastic.
Boards Online, Aug. 12, 2008: Industry news and people moves
Los Angeles-based editorial company Rock Paper Scissors and VFX company a52 have launched design company Elastic and hired Alex Gorodetzki as executive producer and Trevor Shepard as creative director of design.
It's Art Magazine, Aug. 12, 2008: The Making of Spider
Questions and answers with Andrew Hall. Can you give me a quick play-by-play on what you and your team did on this spot?....
VFXWorld.com, Aug. 12, 2008: Rock Paper Scissors and a52 Launch Elastic
...Elastic will represent all in-house editors and vfx artists from RPS and a52 for projects ranging from title to type design....
Studio Daily, Aug. 11, 2008: Rock Paper Scissors and a52 Launch Elastic; Alex Gorodetzki Launches Elastic as Executive Producer with Trevor Shepard as Creative Director of Design
..."Elastic has grown out of the needs of our clients and the desires of our artists to make pictures and tell stories," said Angus Wall, who together with Linda Carlson launched RPS in 1992 and a52 in 1995. "It's great to operate as a little studio and produce projects from beginning to end. RPS, a52 and Elastic will be working as autonomous companies and a complete digital production studio." Elastic will represent all in-house editors and VFX artists from RPS and a52 for projects ranging from title to type design....
FWATheater.com, July 27, 2008: Nike - Spider
Wieden+Kennedy Tokyo was asked by Nike to create a global product innovation campaign for their new super light shoes with Flywire and Lunarlite Foam technologies. We created these spots to tell short product benefit stories and air online at nikelab.com as part of the campaign....
Viralblog.com, July 25, 2008: Viral Friday: #7. Nike Lab: Spider
Wieden+Kennedy Tokyo and a52 created the above commercial for Nike Lab. The idea is simple, a spider crafts a web together that looks like a three dimensional shoe, but theres just something about it thats so crisp and fresh. Nike is introducing new super light shoes that utilize the innovative Flywire technology. W+K Tokyo created a few other ads for Nike Lab to promote the new shoes. Check out Moon Jump and Pillows. (Source: Kitsune Noir, Trendhunter)...
Creativity-Online.com, July 18, 2008: The Latest: Nike: Spider
Nike gets its own Charlotte.
Boards Online, July 17, 2008: Nike: Spider
A52 spins a CG spider in this "blip" for Nikelab....
Shae-Shae's Blog, July 17, 2008: Cool Nike Ad
a52, a visual effects company out of Santa Monica, California created a cool advertisement for Nike Lab. It features a spider spinning a web into the shape of a pair of Nike Zoom Victory kicks....
PreQuel Magazine, July 15, 2008: W + K and a52’s Nike Spot
Advertising agency Widen + Kenedy (Tokyo division) and visual effects studio a52 , recently teamed up to produce a beautiful spot for Nikelab.com. The advert featuring a spider weaving a Nike running shoe into its web is a simple, striking, perfectly designed visual communication of both the product and brand without any words. Remarkable....
Motionographer.com, July 13, 2008: a52 and W+K Tokyo for Nike Lab
Directed internally by 3D Supervisor Andrew Hall, A52 created this simple, yet stunning film for Nike Lab via W+K Tokyo. Reminiscent of some of the early...
Feed, July 11, 2008: W+K Tokyo, A52 Spin Web For Nike
Eerily well done Nikelab spot from Wieden+Kennedy Tokyo and director Andrew Hall with effects work from A52. Spider is currently playing at nikelab.com, in retail locations and as a viral online. Watch Nikelab Spider...